Your career starts at Agrifirm!

An internship or graduate position at Agrifirm is the ideal way to gain relevant work experience. That is why we offer various internships and graduation opportunities for young talent. Whether you are studying in the agricultural, technical, financial or HR sector, there are always opportunities for you. By means of an internship or graduation project, you will get to know Agrifirm and be given the opportunity to learn and grow. 

Dual graduation at Aeres University of Applied Sciences (Dronten) is possible with Agrifirm's internal training program. This means that 4th year bachelor students can complete the 4th year of employment at Agrifirm by following the internal training program. This concerns students who both Aeres Hogeschool and Agrifirm believe are suitable to follow such a program.

Are you interested in an internship at Agrifirm? We regularly have work placement positions in the following areas of expertise: 

  • Exlan (Business and Environmental advice)
  • Sales
  • IT
  • Business Support
  • R&D and Innovation

In addition to internships and graduate positions, we also offer traineeships and BBL programs. Curious about what internship opportunities we currently have open? Click through to the vacancies!

How did these colleagues experience their internship or traineeship?

Sander completed an internship at Agrifirm and is now working at Agrifirm Exlan in the manure and minerals department. Floris completed an internship at our location in Emmeloord and now works as a transport planner and demand controller for crop protection products. In the video above they tell how they experienced their internship at Agrfirm.

Elske followed the sales traineeship at Agrifirm and is now working as Advisor Goat Keeping. During a traineeship you are trained in both technical and commercial knowledge. In the video above she tells you what else a traineeship at Agrifirm entails.

Mellanie interned and graduated from Recruitment: "During my internship at Agrifirm, I was able to learn a lot, partly because of colleagues and because of the tasks I had responsibility for. In addition, I was given the space to carry out a number of my own projects. I can describe Agrifirm as an instructive internship company that offers room for personal growth and develop yourself."

  • Mellanie, Stagiair Recruitment

    Tijdens mijn stage bij Agrifirm heb ik veel kunnen leren, mede door collega's en door de taken waar ik zelf verantwoordelijkheid over had. Daarnaast kreeg ik de ruimte om een aantal eigen projecten uit te voeren. Na mijn stage heb ik ook de mogelijkheid gekregen om mijn afstudeeropdracht bij Agrifirm te doen en nog twee dagen mee te werken in het bedrijf. Ik kan Agrifirm daarom omschrijven als een leerzaam stagebedrijf dat ruimte biedt om jezelf te ontwikkelen en door te groeien.

  • Daarnaast organiseren wij internationale talentenprogramma's zoals het 'Future Generations programma' (voor Young Leaders) en een 'Leadership Excellence programma' (voor ervaren managers) in samenwerking met de Business School Nederland. Tijdens deze programma's krijg je ruimte om te leren, persoonlijk te groeien en samen te werken met collega's over de hele wereld tijdens internationale strategische projecten.